[wp-forums] Deleting Accounts

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 03:51:56 GMT 2007

What's our policy on deleting accounts?

I deleted one not too long ago as the user's ONLY post was the one
requesting the delete.  Seemed harmless.

I see another request now on that thread.  But that user has a bunch of
created and contributed posts.

I also received a request to delete a thread/account via email this

While I can understand why these second two might want deletes... I'm also
of the old-school camp that says, "You made your bed, now lie in it."  (Just
guessing, but I'd wager they don't want prospective employers finding those

However, I'm not militant about it.  Just a curmudgeon.

So... Is there a policy?  If not, should there be?  Or do we just not really
think it's worth the effort?

Looking forward to your thoughts...


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