[wp-forums] Forums heat map

Vkaryl vkaryl at bytehaven.com
Thu Sep 28 00:55:16 GMT 2006

On 9/27/2006 6:51:24 PM, Handy (handy.solo at gmail.com) wrote:

> >
> > Handy wrote:

> In the strictly-for-what-it's-worth-
> category,
> I'd rather not see the tag
> cloud up there in its stead.  But that's just
> an opinion.

Thank you.  I've about had it with the silly, little-boy web20 crap like 
tag clouds no one uses.

Then again, I'm an even larger minority than you are.  [and btw, this is 
NOT the post I sent.... but since it went from the "wrong" mail server, 
it never landed, so no harm no foul I guess....  almost too bad though....]


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