[wp-forums] Changes 9/20

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Wed Sep 20 08:12:39 GMT 2006

spencerp wrote:
> Yeah, I'll have to agree, would be nice, to maybe some how...make up a new "html/css" driven page for that.. or whatever.. then have the "link" Forum Rules.. using some AJAX or something... ? =/

If we're brainstorming, here's what I think would be useful:

1. Most common question
2. Second most common issue
3. Third most common issue
_See more FAQs >>_

_Forum Guidlines_ linked in the footer and above the post form links to 
the "forum rules" page, which is really more useful to people who spend 
lots of time in the forum rather than someone looking for help with 
their broken WP.

FAQ page: (http://wordpress.org/support/faq/)

1.-20. top 20-30 FAQs in order of frequency.

Big search box at the bottom.

Link to start a new topic below that.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://automattic.com | http://akismet.com

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