[wp-forums] The "Changes" = The Votes Are In!

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Sep 18 11:07:29 GMT 2006

spencer wrote:
> Ok, here's how I gathered them up, I took ALL the reply emails, and 
> copy/pasted them ALL into a Notepad file, went down through each 
> one...then placed the totals in another File. This contains ONLY the 
> votes, not the foot-notes and so forth.
> Also, the "Quick Tags" option/ votes were figured the best I could, 
> because other votes for it, were done in another whole email 
> discussion also.. =/ Anyway.. the votes are below here:
<Tally of votes snipped not to make a mess>
> spencerp
> P.S. The foot-notes and so forth, are always there to go back on, I 
> just wanted to leave out MOST of the bigger foot-notes, to keep the 
> vote count email a little less cluttered.. =P
I was just considering doing this, and you beat me to it: Thanks!
> If someone wants to RECOUNT them all, please.. feel free. ;) =)
We all trust you, I'm sure ;)
The suggestion made earlier that, when it comes to polls, we make a
pollomatic somewhere is good.
The addition of arguments are as valuable as the [+1],[++1] and [-1]'s
though, so in such a machine,
we would preferably have the +/- button *and* a "myArgument" field.

That way the amount of intermixed polling, citation, argumentative,
social, very valuable  stuff, wouldn't clog
anyones mail box and patience.



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