[wp-forums] The "Changes" = The Votes Are In!

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 04:35:18 GMT 2006

Ok, here's how I gathered them up, I took ALL the reply emails, and 
copy/pasted them ALL into a Notepad file, went down through each one...then 
placed the totals in another File. This contains ONLY the votes, not the 
foot-notes and so forth.

Also, the "Quick Tags" option/ votes were figured the best I could, because 
other votes for it, were done in another whole email discussion also.. =/ 
Anyway.. the votes are below here:

- Forum structure
[+1 ++1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 / -1 -1] - - Move the list of specific forums 
above the recent posts.

[+1 +1 +1  / --1 -1 -1 -1  / 0 0] - - Move/Remove/Replace the Latest 
Discussions section off the forums index page, with the actual forums 

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 ++1 +1 ++1 +101] - - Fix the search on the Forums and Codex, 
for each search, to search each section specifically.

[0 0 0  / +1 +1 +1 +1 +1/  Don't mind either way. / No opinion.] - - 
Removing the Beta forum.

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +++1 +1 ++1 +1] - - Fix the pagination issues/problems!

[+1 +1 ++1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1] - - Make a good FAQ/Forums Rules, get a team 
together on this, and make it happen!

[0 0 / -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 / +1 (only if the drop-down box is limited to 
the top 10 tags or so.)] - - Make a drop down menu type deal for the "Tags".

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 / 0 / -1. (Needs to be integrated.)] - - Make posting 
code and links easier for less technical users. Use the 
wordpress.pastebin.ca for people to paste codes, then post back the URL to 
it. Also, fix the bugs for placing links in the forums!

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1] - - For quicktags type addition/option, for placing 
codes in the forums and such.

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 / -1 -1 ] - - "When a thread gets marked as Resolved, 
close it too. If folks want to dredge up golden-oldies, let 'em refer to it 
by link. After 50 or more posts the topic has often drifted all over hell 
and back."

[+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1]  - - Adding a link to the Install4free site/service. 
Some where on the forums, either by Sticky thread in the Installation forum, 
or Text Link on the forums index page?

- Moderation
[+1 / 0] - - There wasn't anything covered on this, so..unless someone wants 
to bring  something up, this is a dead thread?

- Rules
[+1] - - No rule changes where suggested really, so..unless someone wants to 
bring something up, this is a dead thread?

- FAQs
[++1 +1] - - It was mentioned before, about adding some FAQS per forum, also 
a "team" was in the process of being started? Any new word on this people?

That's it for now anyway. =P I was going to do the votes a little 
differently, and just make it like such: + = whatever total, - = whatever 
total, but figured.. nah, this is the better way. Keep it original. ;) =)

Anyway, there ya have it people.. *hopefully* this helps, if not.. we'll 
have to just deal with this stuff like we did before I guess sigh.. Either 
way.. the votes were made, and..we'll see what happens from here.. =/


P.S. The foot-notes and so forth, are always there to go back on, I just 
wanted to leave out MOST of the bigger foot-notes, to keep the vote count 
email a little less cluttered.. =P

If someone wants to RECOUNT them all, please.. feel free. ;) =)

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