[wp-forums] Forums above posts.

spencer spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 22:53:48 GMT 2006

>A suggestion:
> When something is proposed that requires input from list members, let's 
> give it enough time for people to respond. Think time zones, people.
> Quite recently, something or other[1] was discussed and a "consensus" was 
> reached while people outside the US were asleep. And not everyone is at 
> their computer 24 hours a day, every day. I'd say at least 24 hours to 
> give people a chance to (1) read their email (2) think about it (3) 
> respond.
> [1] Can't remember what it was, but it was moderately >irritating at the 
> time...

Hahaha, my bad Les. =P  Yeah, me was just doing it though.. ya know.. I 
guess only us "no life" peoples are at their computers 24-7 lmao.

Well, since it's out now... we'll just wait and see.. ;) I'm getting offline 
for dinner..brother needs the phone.. BBL peoples..


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