[wp-forums] Forums updated = Borky Updated

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 17:32:20 GMT 2006

On 9/11/06, Michael D Adams <mikea at turbonet.com> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2006, at 4:33 AM, spencer wrote:
> > 1) Depends on the link, or what not.. most I've been copy/pasting
> > into the Reply field, comes out in TEXT form, not LINK form.
> A link will not get linked if it's the very first thing.  It's a
> subtle bug, I'm working on the best solution now.
> > 2) The # link on a reply in the forums, are borked, the URL is
> > incomplete..and gives a WRONG URL for the thread itself! As you can
> > see here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/86687?replies=13
> Fixed, will be pushed live soon.
> > 3) In the forums Admin section, that "bb_get_user needs a numeric
> > ID"  error is still around.. For almost every where, in there.. (On
> > a sidenote: This was even going on, when trying to setup a bbpress
> > of my own, on the localhost.. Downloaded a copy.. got that same
> > error, didn't have much luck finding the answer for it? )
> I'm a little stumped here.  I can't duplicate the error on my site.
> Will continue to look into it.
> > 4) Stumped on the "bozo feature" deal just as Handy.. not sure how
> > this is done, and so forth, and so on.. Is the SPAM link on the
> > forum replies for this? Or does that delete/tag replies, as spam?
> > As Handy said before: "Is this just for the uber-ops, or can common
> > "Moderators" do that too?"
> Sorry for the brief explanation last night.
> Any one who can edit users can edit a user's profile and mark them as
> a bozo.  From that point on, their posts will be invisible to anyone
> but themselves (and mods who care to look).
> Additionally, posts can be marked as spam.  This has a similar effect
> but applies on a thread by thread basis.  If a post in topic X is
> marked as spam, that user's posts *in that topic* will from then on
> be invisible to others.

I'm confused?  Marking a post as spam, does that delete the post?  The
general practice has been for a mod to delete a spam post, then send a link
to the profile of the offender to this list so either I or Podz can mark
them blocked or inactive (my general rule is if it's there one and only post
that was spam, they are blocked, if they have previous legit posts, I mark
them inactive).

So if a mod marks a post spam, and the post disappears, will they need to
get the profile before hand?

And to what purpose is the bozo, really?  It sounds funny, but practicality
wise, what is the thought behind it?  If Joe Spammer posts something in
THemes and Templates, I mark them bozo, they can then spam Plugins and

Or is this a feature not really intended for WP support, and just a feature
for bbpress in general?


Bozos con be checked in the admin, as can Spam posts.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Michael
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