[wp-forums] removing traces... ++ Forum FAQ

Yosemite yosemite at samdevol.com
Fri Sep 8 14:31:32 GMT 2006

spencer wrote:
>> Yes, but what about people that post something, and in a few months,  
>> they move it?  They won't come back to the forums and change it.  And 
>> although adding that clause somewhere would be *nice* - most of them 
>> won't read it (or care).
Links go bad all the time, all over the internet. I wouldn't want to see 
bad links in the codex/doc's but in a 'live' support forum I don't think 
it's a big deal.
>> I mean, how many times have we seen "my sidebar dropped, what do I 
>> do?"  I see that question a gazillion times a day (why don't we make 
>> a sticky at the top for that? LOL),
I would have thought that was a no-brainer, but I guess I'm missing 
> That's why I had made the suggestion waay back, about maybe making 
> forums, like phpBB did, for the "Knowledge Base". Take ONE good 
> thread, of a specific problem, with the answer to that specific 
> problem... and put it in a "Knowledge Base" type of forum(s).
I would think that would work well with the sticky idea (mods make a 
sticky for "OMG! My sidebar is fubar'ed!" and include working links to 3 
or 4 good threads... Someone reports a site/link in thread is bad, the 
sticky gets changed to reflect that. WP/mods/devs try to take 
responsibility for working links in their posts, users: whatever...
>> I always wondered why we weren't allowed to post code on the forums 
>> (I mean, you *can*, but I mean "lengthy code")?  Is it just because 
>> it's a lot to wade through and it doesn't look nice, or is it because 
>> it takes up a lot of server space?
Agree with spence here, too cumbersome for the current forum 
style/layout for me.

The search feature on the wp forums is pretty abysmal. I was 
disappointed to note that Lorelle had pushed for changes and I don't 
think anything occurred. In my limited experience in the forums, the 
search feature is useless in it's current form to the casual 
user/visitor. Be nice to see some focus there...


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