[wp-forums] What's with this guy here..

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 02:52:28 GMT 2006

> Jeremy Visser wrote:
>> On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 15:07 -0500, Michael B wrote:
>>> He only posted 3 times, all with the same issue.  It's possible he was
>>> simply being thorough in sharing his solution.
>> That's what I think as well. If you decided to delete his posts, then
>> you'd also have to delete *my* 10 or so posts asking people to bump up
>> their PHP memory_limit values after that fixed it for me.
> I agree on that. The "Occupation Real Estate | Law | Internet Business" 
> could make you think
> otherwise, but Jeremy is right.
> Do nothing and with a smile :)
> /Petit

Ok, after being offline here, most of the day.. I basically was thinking the same thing.. I guess at first, when seeing 5 of the same replies to the threads as such.. I started wondering and worrying a little bit lol.. 

Now I feel bad for removing two of his first original ones sigh.. I'll go find them and un-delete them.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.. ;) =)


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