[wp-forums] Please read! Inregards to Install4free.. devs, podz, anyone!

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 13:49:38 GMT 2006

Ok, I surrender.

Spencer assures me I just don't understand and that once I do an install
I'll volunteer to be their personal support monkey for life.

I can't do that.  I can politely refer them to support.  If that's not good
enough, remove me from the list.  Seriously.

I'm specifically looking at http://install4free.wordpress.com/?page_id=6 and
the "What we will not" section.  I'm on board with what's there.

Also, on the next page http://install4free.wordpress.com/?page_id=7, see the
Please Do Not section.

If we can't point people back to what they agreed to, that's fine.  Think of
this as one less strident voice (mine) cluttering up the list.  Because
that's just silly.

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