[wp-forums] Please read! Inregards to Install4free.. devs, podz, anyone!

Shelly foolish.visions at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 13:43:08 GMT 2006

 >>My only thought with the suggestion/thought/question would be that it
encourages contacting install4free rather than addressing the issue to 
the Forums.<<

They do that anyway.  I've already had about 70% of the people I install 
for contact me back to ask questions that are really for the Forums.  I 
*hate* being a turd and saying "Not my job", so I try to answer them as 
best I can - but some of them *really* take advantage of that.

No one reads the part in the Install4Free page where it says we're only 
here to install, we're not personal support.  Nearly everyone I install 
for has come back to email me with questions on how to do this or that.

It's really gotten to the point with me where I've drafted a standard 
letter to reply with once the installation is complete, that reminds 
them that I'm not their personal support system, and provide links of 
where to go for help if they need it.  In a nice way, of course :)

But really, it doesn't matter what you put there - if you install for 
someone (at least in my experience - I don't know about everyone else - 
if you all don't have this problem, maybe it's just that I'm so gosh 
darn cute! LOL) they're gonna email you back with problems and ask you 
how to fix it.

I will say though, since I've drafted that standard letter, the personal 
support requests have dropped, and I usually only get emails of thanks - 
so it has been effective.  If you all want a copy of it, let me know and 
I'll pass it out to ya.  (I got one yesterday where the dude said he was 
crying tears of joy. Whoa.  LOL) Here, read it for yourself - use it as 
a testimonial.  Allow it to give you the warm-fuzzies:

"I am so happy I can cry. Last night I didn´t sleep at all (It´s true) 
thinking what to do in the future, now I am very very happy. Please 
thank you and all the guys, and the gals (is It OK to say gals?) of your 

I really love you.
Peace and King Crimson

I don't get the "King Crimson" bit (isn't that a band?) but whatever. 
He loves us.  Really. ;)

 >>we don't have clients<<

Yeah - *I* only call 'em "clients" because I don't know what else to 
call them.  A number of terms do pop into my head every now and then, 
but they really aren't very nice...;) So I stick with "clients" - only 
because I don't know what else they should be called.

Okay - shutting up now...


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