[wp-forums] Drupal support + Our Support

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Oct 3 13:16:22 GMT 2006

spencerp wrote:
> An example of an email I'm talking about, is here below, in quotes "".
> "What I despise about WP forums is that anyone is allowed to say ANYTHING in a manner that is wholly RUDE and MEAN and NASTY, and they get away with it. No rap over the knuckles, no suspension of membership, no DELETION of post.
>  Yet, god forbid, one person who has always been unfailing generous with their time is demoted. Wham. Just like that.
>  It doesn't matter if V wanted the demotion or not. Its not the point. Do you see my point?

This was discussed privately as it should have been.
It was requested.
I know exactly why and I wish there could have been something done about it.

Rules 3-5
# Posts which are destructive in nature.
To put it basically, if you cannot say anything positive or helpful, or
provide pointers that can assist the original poster and do so in a
constructive manner - then do not post.
# If your post contains abuse or flames then this will not merely be
removed from a post, your whole post will be deleted.
# If your post directs offense at another forum user, it will be
deleted. Do not try to use words cleverly - if there is any doubt, it
will be deleted.

Use them without exception as of now ?


(as a sidenote - let's not compare our support to that of another
product. We should aim for it to be as good as we know it has been and
as it could be)

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