[wp-forums] Drupal support + Our Support

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 13:59:28 GMT 2006

An example of an email I'm talking about, is here below, in quotes "".

"What I despise about WP forums is that anyone is allowed to say ANYTHING in a manner that is wholly RUDE and MEAN and NASTY, and they get away with it. No rap over the knuckles, no suspension of membership, no DELETION of post.

 Yet, god forbid, one person who has always been unfailing generous with their time is demoted. Wham. Just like that.

 It doesn't matter if V wanted the demotion or not. Its not the point. Do you see my point?

 I read the OP before I posted my question. I didn't see ANYTHING to indicate that V was nasty or rude. If anything she was trying to explain why members SHOULDN"T rag on another member without first giving some leeway.

Yet that thwack expressed an opinion that slanted directly personal and NOTHING was done to reprimand him.

 I'm thrilled you're a MOD, truly, truly I am. I like you Spence, always have. You're generous to the point of hand holding. When you give advice you ALWAYS back it up with photos, step by step guides and links. 

Maybe you might consider using some of that generosity to pull people into line.

 There's NO REASON for rudeness or sarcasm or nasty personal attacks, and the way the forum runs now, telling someone to "Move along" isn't enough. That person should be reprimanded or their answers/posts deleted.

 Its time WP cleaned up its act, big time. Enough with the personal attacks, enough with the rudeness. 

 I know I'm tired of it - it was the ONLY reason I left to begin with. It's the only reason I leaving now.

I have better things to do that involve myself with a bitchy forum that DOESN"T moderate appropriately.

 And worse, I have better things to do with my time than involve myself with a forum that allows ungovernable behavior from members - members I might add who use WP forums for self gain without giving ANYTHING back. 


And lastly, may I point out, now that I'm ranting, has anyone stopped to moderate Moshu lately? His tone and comments are slipping drastically yet I see nothing to pull him into line.

Just my two cents worth, for what it matters.

Be well Spence, and I hope you retain your goodness. Its an endearing quality that makes you a better person."

Name removed for privacy reasons..  I know that it's prolly wrong to post an actual email in here, but.. it's to show everyone, what I'm talking about to begin with.. Anyway.. I hope maybe there's a way for "us" to help keep things going better around WordPress in general.. ?

Maybe Michael Adams can implement some type of "punishment" tools into the bbpress code itself.. for not just the Admins, but moderators too? 

Maybe give "X person" a temporary block, suspension, or something maybe.. ? I dunno, just wanted to share this with everyone.. ;)


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