[wp-forums] Lack of code savvy volunteers vs wp-hackers

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 02:22:07 GMT 2006

No holding of breath, but when I felt compelled to answer a question (and
knew an answer) to a post on the hackers list, I simply felt that I had to
express it to a wider audience.  Lately, a few requests for help have made
their way to the wp-pro list, and equally felt compelled to reply to them
that the audience they were addressing was not in their best interest if
finding an answer was their goal.  By no means am I a forum whore trying to
navigate all inquiries to /support, rather, in light of recent knocks on
/support & codex.wordperss.com, I am simply bringing up another aspect of
the community, again.


On 11/24/06, Craig <nuclearmoose at gmail.com> wrote:
> No flames here, Michael. This has been stated before on several occasions
> by
> Mark(Podz) and myself and likely others.
> Don't hold your breath.
> Craig.
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