[wp-forums] Re: Post Dates

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 14:05:41 GMT 2006

On 11/11/06, Michael D Adams <mikea at turbonet.com> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2006, at 9:39 PM, Handy wrote:
> > [naughty words redacted]  Does anyone that has anything to do with
> BBpress still
> > read
> > anything here?
> There's lots of users, lots of people who have installed it and one
> or two people that develop it.  I'm sorry for not having responded
> sooner.
> > On 11/7/06, Handy <handy.solo at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> So, is it safe to say that BBpress doesn't have the ability to
> >> show dates
> >> in the user's time offset?
> bbPress does not support this.  A plugin could handle it, but I am
> not *personally* convinced of its usefulness.


I guess I come from the other angle where I've been using web forums (and
BBS's before that) for the last 20-odd years.  Every one that I've ever used
allowed me, the user, to specify my timezone so that I would see forum
activity relevant to my time.  Even my usenet readers offered this.

However, if I'm really the first one to suggest this for bbPress... well,
I'll just shut up and offer another round of apologies to everyone for
cluttering up the mailing list and offending multiple people in the process.

Feel free to disagree and, if users would benefit, I can write such a
> plugin.

Until more than one person asks for it, I wouldn't even bother.

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