[wp-forums] Two profiles, one member?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon May 22 20:25:35 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> My point is, there's a gray area, and while it's true the support forums
> aren't the place for folks like we've discussed today,expecting that folks
> don't use resources like personal servers and email to help others out seems
> a bit ridiculous, when the real issue is controlling the spammers/scammers,
> etc. I for one will either continue doing things the way I do them, or I'll
> spend my time supporting a project where I can make a real contribution,
> without worrying about every link I post. 

I can't say this right but there comes a point in any forum that a
poster becomes 'recognised' or 'respectable' or some other word that has
the result of making that making others / reassuring others that they
actually are okay. For instance: someone could post with a problem
tonight. Person A (newcomer) answers and asks for mails off-forum.
Person B (old timer) says the same. Like you I know who I would trust.
It's just something that comes over in the words, the consistency of
advice, .... I can't measure it. I just know it.
So people who are helpful, who do return if they post links I'm actually
more likely to follow to see what I can learn. That's crazy I know but
this thing is hard to articulate in text.

> Food for thought - I know that there's a "pro" mailing list, and the purpose
> of that list is to support those seeking "professional" help. I also know
> that the "average" user needing "professional" support isn't going to
> subscribe to a mailing list to go looking for it. What's really needed is a
> "professional" support forum where folks can seek "paid" or "professional
> support", and those qualified and willing to provide such services can
> interact with one another independantly of the "self help" support forums.

The framework you would need there is going to be very odd economically
hence I think it'll never take off.


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