[wp-forums] Getting closer

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Fri May 19 18:24:29 GMT 2006

Well, I'm not real impressed with an email solution either, but I have 
so little time right now to think about any of this, I didn't post 
because I figure you all are more likely to be together on it than I am....


On 5/19/2006 12:19:51 PM, TechGnome (tg at tannagh.com) wrote:
> Another one of my infamously long postings...
> I intentionally
> didn't reply to this in case others did. I also wanted
> to delay the knee jerk reaction to this and give it some thought.
> I notice that there hasn't
> been much comment on this. Which means one of
> two things. 1) silence is agreement, or 2) no one wants to be the first
> to say they don't like the idea. So I'll be the first.
> As an interesting idea as this is.... (and
> I'm going to be brutally
> honest) I don't like it. At all. It adds a
> layer of bureaucracy to the
> process that
> doesn't need to be there. I can also see too many problems
> with it. I got queasy thinking about it.
> 1) No redundancy. If the mail server goes down, we're
> all SOL. Yes, I
> know databases can go down too... but databases can also be copied &
> backed up.
> 2) The installer has to wait for an assignment. The installer
> won't be
> able to to go "Hey, I've some some spare time, let me go see if
> there's
> any requests."
> 3) Life gets in the way. What happens when all of the gate keepers go on
> vacation at the same time, or become unavailable?
> 4) Life gets in the way. When I go on vacation, I g

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