[wp-forums] Getting closer

Jesse S jesse at resiny.org
Fri May 19 13:56:12 GMT 2006

Y'know, that's brilliant. We don't need an authentication key, all we have
to do is hit "reply".

That way they can see that we have their email (if we weren't legit, we
wouldn't have it) so they knew we're the right person, and it takes out one
of the chunks of code we'll need.

As for the auto cc....it's beyone my coding "skills", but it seems there'd
be a way to make the form email not only to the address in the options panel
but also to the address they entered into the "email" field.

also, I was thinking about the backend where the email comes in and we take
install jobs, etc.

I have a friend (Aaron Brazell, you might know him) who does a bunch of
php/wordpress development, and a while ago he built a custom mod of
wordpress that was basically worked as a support ticket system. It used WP's
ability to do posts by email, so that an email (in this case, the email sent
from the form) was sent to wordpress which then posted it as an unresolved
bug/problem/whatever. The admin (this would be the installers) then could
log in and see the waiting tickets...aha, after much digging I found it (

I don't know if he ended up trashing the whole thing or what, but if it
looks like it could be useful I can email him and ask

On 5/19/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> There seems to be a collective deafness elsewhere....
> How about this ?
> http://www.tamba2.org.uk/install/?page_id=6
> We mail them back with what they have asked. It's as good as anything
> else isn't it? They know what they have typed and we know too...
> We need the 'agreed to..' bit doing and if someone could kindly advise
> how to make the plugin auto-cc (do that invisibly?)
> (http://www.phrixus.co.uk/pxsmail/) then that would be cool.
> So ...... if that page - and the one that follows - feel free to send me
> info which I shall bounce back to you - looks okay - be critical
> (nicely) - is it good to go with? If not, why and what should we add?
> P.
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