[wp-forums] the free thing again

Jesse S jesse at resiny.org
Thu May 18 23:13:05 GMT 2006

Looks good. A couple of things:

   - "We will install WordPress to your website into a directory called
   'wordpress'"- does that mean we don't do root, or /blog, or anything? I
   remember there being a discussion about this, but I seem to have missed the
   resolution. I dunno...if we're only going to be doing it in one, it seems
   doing it in the root directory would make the largest number of people
   happy...if we do an install in /wordpress for them, but they have to spend
   three hours figuring out how to transfer to root, then we haven't helped
   - Also, as far as the package- what would you guys think of doing a
   minorly modified version of wordpress (sorta like, *gasp*, yahoo) that
   includes some of the more popular plugins and themes? It would hardly take
   any extra effort, and for a true n00b would be helpful.

Other than that it's good

On 5/18/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> Pages changed slightly, sidebar lost, 'Next >' added to pages.
> Shame about the last page... crap, if no-one offers to do it I'll go
> find someone and pay them. We will get this thing going dammit.
> P.
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