[wp-forums] RE: I hope I didn't overstep here...

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Fri May 12 19:15:22 GMT 2006

"It appears that he edited his post, because now I don't get the sense that
s/he is claiming the plugins are his/her own."

Maybe it's just me, but "6 free gold tricks" makes it look like he's
offering up "tricks" (when they're not, it's just info on plugins) and then
he says, 

"The best plugins and software by me :"

Which to me, upon the initial reading, makes it look like they're HIS

"This are the basic advices" - again, broken English stating that this is
advice he's giving, as if it's HIS content. Whereas if you go to his site
and read the whole thread, you can see he's essentially plagiarized the text
on the plugin download pages... 

Once more, I'm not against this guy posting whatever he wants on his blog,
if he wants to call it advice, fine. If he wants to say they're his plugins,
the issues are to be held by the plugin creators, and not by me, even though
I think it's wrong. I just don't see how important this post on the forums
is, when there's a whole codex page on plugins, and this appears to be
nothing more than an attempt at getting traffic to his site, and a link from
a wordpress site to his. Hell, in his article on his site he begs people to
digg or delicious tag the thing... Sheer desperation if you ask me.


~ Lara 

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