[wp-forums] Still free

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Sat Jun 17 15:50:50 GMT 2006

It all sounds like a plan to me. I take it then that the committee has 
put together a list of installers? Or is that something that still needs 
to be decided?


Podz wrote:
> http://www.tamba2.org.uk/install/
> There is a comment there from me which I can't see unless I use IE which
> I used to post it.
> There are no anti-spam measures save for 'When a comment contains any of
> these' and in that box is a e i o u and a space. Hopefully that will
> stop anything being eaten. If spam does get too much it's easily dealt
> with anyway.
> Records such as no. of installs, problems etc can be done inside the blog.
> The point here is only one thing - to make sure that the person wanting
> the install is only contacted by us. If only we and they know they have
> left a comment that should be enough?
> And the installers have only one place to check, the risk of crossover
> is low.
> It's Saturday and therefore quiet. How about if nothing huge blocks then
> we move to get it in place from Tuesday?
> P.
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