[wp-forums] Still free

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Jun 17 15:44:07 GMT 2006


There is a comment there from me which I can't see unless I use IE which
I used to post it.

There are no anti-spam measures save for 'When a comment contains any of
these' and in that box is a e i o u and a space. Hopefully that will
stop anything being eaten. If spam does get too much it's easily dealt
with anyway.

Records such as no. of installs, problems etc can be done inside the blog.

The point here is only one thing - to make sure that the person wanting
the install is only contacted by us. If only we and they know they have
left a comment that should be enough?
And the installers have only one place to check, the risk of crossover
is low.

It's Saturday and therefore quiet. How about if nothing huge blocks then
we move to get it in place from Tuesday?


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