[wp-forums] Editing and Answering.

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Feb 27 19:05:38 GMT 2006

Les Bessant wrote:

>As you say, he *does* provide useful and helpful answers at least some of
>the time, but his manner and his language are all too often way beyond what
>is appropriate for the forum. He's said himself that he tends to be a little
>less controlled in his posting when he's had a drink or two, so he's
>certainly not unaware that he's causing offence.
>Moderating his posts seems like an unfortunate necessity. 
This is certainly a "handle with care" issue. I'm very much for the idea of Podz sending him a message to the effect that his hard work in helping out in the forum is much appreciated, but that he should try to keep the harsh language for his own blog ( where it really blooms :).

Moderator editing may be necessary form time to time, but on the other hand I think that just closing an offensive thread is often enough.
People will recognize that this guy is helpful but sometimes fall overboard, and understand why the thread is closed.

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