[wp-forums] Editing and Answering.

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Mon Feb 27 18:30:43 GMT 2006

Ahhh, yes. Spencerp. Somehow I knew it would be him before I clicked the

As you say, he *does* provide useful and helpful answers at least some of
the time, but his manner and his language are all too often way beyond what
is appropriate for the forum. He's said himself that he tends to be a little
less controlled in his posting when he's had a drink or two, so he's
certainly not unaware that he's causing offence.

Moderating his posts seems like an unfortunate necessity. 


Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk/

-----Original Message-----
From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
[mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Podz
Sent: 27 February 2006 13:40
To: Forums
Subject: [wp-forums] Editing and Answering.

The user linked to below is 'liberal' with his language and is
frequently annoying / offending others with his attitude.
The forum guidelines say that such posts will be deleted on sight - but...
- if another user has replied and we remove his comment is makes the
followup comment look very out of place, and we can't go deleting or
editing the comments of those people.
- we are also removing the 'evidence' of his behaviour. I have been
asked a couple of times recently to remove threads where a poster (the
one who is asking me) has let loose with some choice phrases. On each
occasion I have said no.  The threads will drop off the pages eventually
and we can't have people yelling abuse one night then asking to be made
blameless the nest day.
All I can think of doing is moderating his posts mercilessly and
constantly. This could make him clean up his act, it could (will) annoy
him and he may leave (which would be a shame as he does contribute
positively too) but it will show others that we are watching and we will

I have no problem with deleting the occasional post which is abusive, or
even delting the contents but leaving a [Moderated] coment there, but
when the guidelines were written I certainly didn't anticipate day after
day rudeness.

Thoughts ?

We are getting (I think) many many more posts to which we don't have the
answer.  As much as I would like coders who watch the hackers list and
trac and #wordpress and everything else that involes <?php to come into
the forums and actually answer something, it just isn't going to happen.
I'm sure I was asking this back in 2004 so it's just the way it is. Make
your own reasons. So we have many more disgruntled posters. Not their
fault. The code promises and they cannot make it deliver. But neither
can we. <rant> It annoys me intensely that many 'hackers' claim
knowledge of the forums and all the current issues yet we see no posts
from them or evidence elsewhere that supports it. Here's a clue guys -
reply ? It would be very much appreciated. </rant>
So I wrote the above post. It's not new, it's nothing you've not read
before. Does it warrant sticky status ?

In the coming forum makeover, is there a way that we could incorporate
more stickies ?
In some other flavours of forum, you 'land' at a page that has the
entrances to the forums but sitting atop that are the stickies. That an
option ? Would that fit with bbPress ? (I suspect not, but I'm trying to
think of a way that avoids lots of stickies on the front page).

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