[wp-forums] tongues and language....

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Feb 14 22:17:23 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:
> Vicki Frei wrote:
>> I, again, have considered just that.  I was fearful that it would lead
>> to more and worse of the same though.  One of the posts I started and
>> didn't post yesterday in the andreavascellari thread was due to the
>> namecalling....
>> If we opt to do something like this, we MUST post a sticky setting out
>> what and why....
> I've stuck a post while we make battle plans :)

To the new stuck post I have added:

"Signatures on all posts will be removed. Such signatures would create
clutter and distract from the information and help we are trying to

If you think that can be said better / differently / more fully or
improved, just say :)


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