[wp-forums] a point....

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 21:04:39 GMT 2006

While not completely the same subject, I've been seeing more and more snippy
comments, and in the case of spencerp, poor language, to say the least.  As
a professor of mine once said, "when amongst your tribe, speak like the
tribe, when speaking for food, clothing, or shelter, speak the language the
school teaches".  When amongst my tribe, I can curse like the proverbial
sailor also, however..
  Granted, these blogs tend not to provide neither food, clothing or
shelter, it's my opinion the language is inappropriate for the  forums, and
reflects poorly on the WP community.  I've made a gentle suggestion to
spencerp to curb his verbiage, and was quickly disregarded.  But I'm not
singling him out, I've seen several other uses of language that in the US is
considered vulgar.
Anything we should/could do?

On 2/14/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> Vicki Frei wrote:
> > http://wordpress.org/support/topic/21145?replies=4 - and this is the
> > thread to which he refers:
> > http://wordpress.org/support/topic/59273?replies=11
> I just found it.
> Putting aside the other two, he gave them the lead, they just made the
> bullets. If he wasn't blatantly spamming for PR then they'd have no
> reason to shoot at him. I think his use of WP is tenuous at best and his
> reason for posting to the forum is flimsy. Positively invisible.
> I think I'll close it with a short note.
> P.
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