[wp-forums] Sigs

Michael E. Hancock mhancock at us.net
Wed Feb 8 18:12:32 GMT 2006

From: "Murray @ PlanetThoughtful" <planetthoughtful at gmail.com>

> 3 minutes from now, I shall be unsubscribed.

Dear Murray,

Just wanted to offer a word of encouragement and request that you don't let
the Forum administrative process get in the way of doing what truly is the
intention of the Forum:  Helping people with their WordPress problems!

Your contributions are valued and as you know there is always a need for
someone of your capabilities in the Forums.

So please, don't 'check-out', don't unsubscribe, and don't go away mad.
There are people out there eagerly waiting to hear your solution to their
problem,  And, your reward will be how grateful, stated or not, those people
will feel.


Michael E. Hancock

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