[wp-forums] Sigs

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Wed Feb 8 16:03:43 GMT 2006

On 2/8/2006 8:59:26 AM, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful (planetthoughtful at gmail.com) 
> Dang it, seriously
> I'm going to report myself to the Whipping Master for
> failure-to-go-to-bed-when-I-damn-well-know-I-should.
> My question is: did you (not you specifically, Vicki) ever ask the users?

Murray, the forum's not a democracy.  I'll be sorry to see you go if that's your 
decision, but really, the forum would be a HORRIBLE place if everyone did sigs 
as long as yours.  And there would be so much MORE policing....  we don't have 
time to do things like we should now for the most part, that would add another 
whole layer of dreck to sort out.

Please understand:  no one is picking on you specifically.  We've all removed 
sigs where needed.  I repeat:  links in profile and member name are sufficient.


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