[wp-forums] Suggestion for wp.com questions, and one other thing

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Thu Feb 2 21:56:30 GMT 2006

I was just thinking about this part right here....
And this is going to be more crazy talk... but with tags, is the forum 
areas really necessary?
Now hear me out... again, more crazy talk... but what if when the user 
makes a post, they select a "category" from a dropdown or something. 
When the post is made, based on the cat selected, certain pre-assigned 
tags are added to the post. Naturaly additional tags can be added, but 
there would be at least the pre-defined ones on the post.
Again, this is probably just crazy talk and maybe the lack of sleep 
talking... but for some reason it seems to make sense to me.


Podz wrote:

>that leads to: The Forums
>We haven't got enough. There are too many posts covering too many issues
>all squashed into one small place. This makes it harder to search (per
>forum search maybe in the future ?), harder to pick the active threads
>out. Much has been done with the tagging and resolved/not but it still
>keeps too much in too small a place. So a suggestion:
>- Installation
>- Troubleshooting WP
>- Troubleshooting Plugins and Modifications
>- Plugin Developers
>- Themes
>- Your WordPress
>- Misc
>There is probably another couple that could be added / divided from
>those. Make the individual forums much more specific. Yes I know there
>are lists but equally the forums are a viable place.

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