[wp-forums] Beta forum

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 03:23:13 GMT 2006

With the imminent release of 2.1 beta just around the corner, I am wondering
about the issues the forum will "suffer" in the beta forum.  I peek in
occasionally, and just closed a thread that seemed to be an alpha release
question.  I've seen a couple others lately, and it's inevitable there will
be more as the news spreads of beta coming out.

So my question is this.  Should we find out if the current beta forum can be
locked, but kept for reference, and a new 2.1beta forum started when the
release is official?  My concerns are people trying to search the forum,
posting on a 2.0 beta thread about 2.1, confusing the heck out of everyone.
Even with my "admin" privileges, I don't see the ability to delete or close
a forum, though I can create a new one, so this would have to be something
coordinated with Matt or probably mdwaffee.  Thus my desire to open
discussion now, before it's too late.


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