[wp-forums] Building better.

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 02:12:29 GMT 2006

Here's what I am seeing in the forums, when I'm in there, trying to help.. And of course, not everyone is perfect, not everyone leave's 100% top notch answers, and does 100% top notch things in general.. 

But, here is what I'm seeing in the forums, or, feel could be worked on a little better maybe?

1) Despite having the HUGE search on the index page, and even the little one up top there, some of the users STILL DO NOT use it, sigh. This IS, and CAN BE, quite frustrating to the normal volunteers.. 

It's mostly frustrating to others, because it's basically showing the "masses" that, they (those that don't even bother searching first) don't even want to bother helping themsleves out.. and are basically saying, "can you guys do all the work for me?"..  (IMHO, this is kind of, or, partly why some users get ignorant, and down right nasty replies from some "experienced" user/volunteers sometimes)..

I know it's impossible to MAKE those people SEARCH FIRST, but, just was saying in general.. that that's possibly one of the reasons WHY, those "noobs/users" are getting snippy replies.. Even though it's wrong to do that (leaving smart arsed, and rude replies, because they don't search first), it's being done.. 

Which leads on to 2)..
[Handy wrote>
"The real deal-killer is when a new or beginning user asks a "dumb" question.[...]"

We (as volunteers) struggle there, I think.  And yes, I'm just as guilty as anyone else.  I think we might want to ponder or discuss some self-policing?  Especially related to points 4 and 5 on that list.]

I've been seeing this a lot lately too, and even though I am guilty of doing such things, (mainly before).. I think this is another "thing" that's going to be almost impossible to control, per se. 

There is *always* going to be those that post what they want to post, and that's it. And it's almost impossible to baby-sit everyone, their actions, and posts. However, as Podz said before.. I think the "RULES", Section B, numbers 3, 4, and 5 need to be in FULL FORCE.... and not just to a SELECT FEW people.. but EVERYONE in general. 

(Even those that have been around there in the forums for a few years, have a lot of general coding knowledge, have a lot of PHP experience, have a lot of theming experience and so forth).... 

3) At that time, the "RULES" were, and still are not being read before someone posts a thread, or a reply..  Why you say that for? Well, I was googling my username the other night, and came across this user's blog post here:

 about me closing their thread here:  

IMHO, I did the right thing, and (at that time) I personally felt, or believed, that any other mod would have done the samething.. by closing it.. 

Again, not everyone is perfect, and not everyone is a "peach" in the forums, but, some of the "things" going on now, can be improved on, and some of the contents of a user's forum replies can be self policed.. 

But, IMHO.. it all comes down to the users in general, making the right call, and doing the right thing.. Or, you could always start paying the Mods to baby-sit everyone? =P  Just my 2 cents worth.. lol. =) 

/Sorry for the "Book".. 

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