[wp-forums] Drinking coke zero

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 13:14:36 GMT 2006

On 8/30/06, Moshu <moshu at transycan.net> wrote:
> And let me add one of my old obsessions: I was asking for a long time
> to draw a line where the WP support ends and other issues start (like
> server setup for wannabe self-hosts, design, basic html etc). Now we
> arrived to the point that we have even questions for CSS and alike
> from people coming from the street - so to speak. People who don't
> even use WP but asking CSS and IE vs. FF and similar questions,
> _This_ will get worse and worse...

Heh.  Speaking of which: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/85483?replies=3

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