[wp-forums] Doing it for free. - the people

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 19:18:37 GMT 2006

Great questions.  As a hopeful volunteer, I suppose I shouldn't poison the
well too much..

Hopefully y'all will definitely look at some *fuzzy* amount/quality of
involvement in WP to avoid folks signing up for a forums account and
volunteering the next day.   However, I've only been around for half a year,
so to many I'm still a Johnny-come-lately.  Maybe name a small "council" or
team of reviewers and have hopefuls actually apply?  A simple online form
would likely suffice as a place to list out skills and resume'ish type
information.  Just a thought.
Hmm...  Glad I'm not you!

I say go for measurable attributes:  Sex appeal and charm.  ;-)  Oh - and
wit.  Can't forget wit.

On 4/26/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> At some point the issue of who will actually be doing this arises.
> Potentially it is contentious but hopefully we can agree something that
> is fair.
> At the last #meetup in response to someone suggesting that security of
> information was a potential problem, Matt stated "we already have
> concepts of trust with each other based on how long someone has been
> around, how they contribute, etc " which I think is an excellent view.
> The point I think we also need to come from is not who do we let join,
> but what is the marker for joining? How do we do this to include people
> rather than exclude people? This making sense?
> I do not think it should just be moderators only, as has been said
> before and I agree with there are some excellent people in the forum who
> may wish to take on the extra work too.
> Excellent is a fuzzy word though.
> Given this is purely for the benefit of people coming to WordPress and
> that we must be seen to be very competent (I imagine that when this
> happens it will be scrutinised) how do we choose who can help inside
> this? How many should there be?
> P.
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