[wp-forums] Forum post

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Apr 21 07:52:45 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
>   I'm talking about a strictly commercial web design/hosting service.
So was I (including other sorts of 'services' too) - but I take Michael 
H's point too.

> I just really don't like subjective rules, that are open to interpretation.

> I just hope a consensus can be found that clearly defines what is and who is
> allowed to offer links and volunteer in the forums.
>   My vote is a black and white decision, not a gray area, even if it means
> those that have been around a while having to alter their links.  Granted,
> the rel="nofollow" has been established, so some of it may be moot.

 From the sticky:
<p><strong><a href="http://www.tamba2.org.uk/T2">podz</a></strong><br />
It's not there - and I believe some people have done that 'View Source' 

I don't know what to do:
- I see theme authors come back to push themes when they have decided to 
sell them.
- I see code authors come back and drop hints about donations
Both the above have contributed positively to WP though but it can be 
argued they should not do what they do.

But we have the ones after link juice and only link juice. They also 
stick out a mile to me and I'd love to be able to do something - but I 
have no idea what I can do consistently.

When mention was made of the 'doing it for free' at #meetup someone 
mentioned security issues. Matt said that there was already the concept 
of trust in the forums. We DO know those people who if we saw them say 
"Email me.." we would take that as a move to a safe pair of hands. That 
is based on how long they have been around, the quality of their 
answers, their own site maybe. The person who I posted about had nothing 
there and a user would be left in an unknown situation - it's our role 
(I think) to make all the right noises to protect users who are just 
desperate for a fix. It's one thing to stick around the forum and 
consistently give poor advice - which is most definitely happening and 
I'm getting bored of it - to appear good enough to keep a link and yet 
another to advise someone to trust them simply because they post and say 
they can help.

I think that we could probably agree about who/what to an extend but it 
would not stand up to scrutiny. So we cannot really move forward.

I will mention the nofollow to Matt.


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