[wp-forums] Forum post

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 01:32:26 GMT 2006

I would like to reiterate to those who seem confused about the wp-pro
mailing list.  That list is not for people to sell their services to.  It is
for people looking to hire a service.  So instructing a user to post their
service to wp-pro is like yahoo advertising to google.

When I refer to "commercial" sites, I'm not talking about a blog having
google ads, or referral links, or someone's personal site which they also on
the side do some design/coding work.
  I'm talking about a strictly commercial web design/hosting service.
I just really don't like subjective rules, that are open to interpretation.
I see people calling other volunteers slime bags, as if they know with no
uncertainty that the person is completely malicious, that they have no
desire to actually help another user.  Perhaps they have an angle, but if
everyone that had an angle volunteering in the forums, or writing plugins,
designing themes, contributing code were excluded from participating, the
community would be quite small.
I just hope a consensus can be found that clearly defines what is and who is
allowed to offer links and volunteer in the forums.
  My vote is a black and white decision, not a gray area, even if it means
those that have been around a while having to alter their links.  Granted,
the rel="nofollow" has been established, so some of it may be moot.

Also, if at all possible, and it might just be me, but if you can reply
within the thread, it would be helpful to follow along to the previous
comments, rather than start a new thread.

~Michael B

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