[wp-forums] Doing it for free - management and verification

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Apr 20 16:25:04 GMT 2006

Kaf Oseo wrote:

> Descriptions:
> potential = anyone requesting install
> client = individual accepted for install
> installer = the person assigned to (or who selects) an install.
> admin = a 'key' installer who manages reg/install process.
> 1. Potential applies for an installation. Initial info collected is
> basic: full name, email, url. (Anything missing?) They choose login
> and password. (Authent of some sort needed here?)

They need to check something or agree they have read the terms of what 
we do and what we do not.

> 2. Application is accepted or denied by admin. Reason for denial (be
> nice about it!) is provided at that time.
> 3. Potential must now complete their registration by providing login
> and site info (https would be a certainty), how they want their blog
> set up (root, subdirectory, etc.).

They now need to acknowledge issues like their passwords that are given 
should be changed.

> 4. Registration is accepted/denied/marked for additional info. Follow
> ups with potential will be required in many cases to lock down these
> issues.
> 5. Info pages are provided to potentials and clients which shows the
> 'account' details along with a running log of request or installation
> activities. Key events to log are:
>     5.1. Application accepted/denied
>     5.2. Registration completed
>     5.3. Registration accepted/denied/marked
>     5.4. Installation assigned (nix if installers select tasks)
>     5.5. Installation accepted
>     5.6. Installation completed
>     5.7. Install completion acknowledged by client/admin.
> Possible secondary events to log and display are: problems encountered
> during installation by installer, issues reported by client (they would
> not have access to logging tool--these would be from emails or other
> contact with client), other admin notes about account.
> 6. When installation is *signed off on* by client or admin, all login
> and account details for the client's site are dropped from database.

I would keep some minor information: host, any tricky stuff found etc. 
This could be useful mine of information for tutorials etc. It would all 
be anonymous anyway.


The above needs setting up because until we setup we have nothing to improve
We need the written bits of information (what we do/do not do)
We need the security bit they will agree to
We need the Blogging 101
and we need to address the issues Michael H and miklb raised.
- a host that knows we did this could get really annoyed unless pw's are 
changed and even then it's still a potential issue
- the "would you mind" and "You are so clever can you just install..." 
needs addressing in a way we would be comfortable with as does the 
upgrading issue.

And once we have something working we can ask someone to cast an eye 
over it then ask Matt for some wp.net space.

So, who wants to do what? :D


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