[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Thu Apr 20 13:36:54 GMT 2006

Because not everyone has control over database creation. I know that 
with my host, the db servers are behind a firewall and can only be 
accessed from within my domain. Secondly, because they have a DB server 
farm, I have no idea what server it will end up on - I currently have 2 
databases with them and both are on two different servers. Not to 
mention the database names are automatically assigned. There's no way 
for WP to be able to any of the DB creation automatically in cases like 
this. Granted, my situation maybe a one-off case, but it still requires 
knowledge that the user may or may not be able to control.


petit at petitpub.com wrote:
> Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk>: says:
>> Podz wrote:
>>> This issue was raised at #meetup.
>>> I do not think we should support upgrades.
>> I should have been clearer - it was raised but no discussions or 
>> decisions were had. The 'I' above just means me, it's not a 
>> collective term :)
>> P.
> I think this kind of service would be great for the proliferation of 
> WordPress.
> One more thought ( maybe less silly ;) crossed my mind.
> To simplify installation and install help, the wp-install.php could be 
> changed,
> to not only create the database tables, but the database itself. Why 
> would we
> need phpMyAdmin or other applications for that?
> That way the install script would also write neccessary data to 
> wp-config.
> Did I miss something?
> /Petit
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