[wp-forums] Doing it for free - management and verification

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Wed Apr 19 20:00:05 GMT 2006

I felt this needed its own topic:

Podz wrote:
> Regardless of where it is, the point of weakness is this bit:
> "It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that you are in contact 
> with the correct person."
> and if we can solve that first then I think it's worth battering into 
> shape. I cannot think of a method of doing that though.
> How do we make it work?

This would require effort mostly on our part, for sure. Here is a
suggestion for a registration framework (off the top of my head):

potential = anyone requesting install
client = individual accepted for install
installer = the person assigned to (or who selects) an install.
admin = a 'key' installer who manages reg/install process.

1. Potential applies for an installation. Initial info collected is
basic: full name, email, url. (Anything missing?) They choose login
and password. (Authent of some sort needed here?)

2. Application is accepted or denied by admin. Reason for denial (be
nice about it!) is provided at that time.

3. Potential must now complete their registration by providing login
and site info (https would be a certainty), how they want their blog
set up (root, subdirectory, etc.).

4. Registration is accepted/denied/marked for additional info. Follow
ups with potential will be required in many cases to lock down these

5. Info pages are provided to potentials and clients which shows the
'account' details along with a running log of request or installation
activities. Key events to log are:

	5.1. Application accepted/denied
	5.2. Registration completed
	5.3. Registration accepted/denied/marked
	5.4. Installation assigned (nix if installers select tasks)
	5.5. Installation accepted
	5.6. Installation completed
	5.7. Install completion acknowledged by client/admin.

Possible secondary events to log and display are: problems encountered
during installation by installer, issues reported by client (they would
not have access to logging tool--these would be from emails or other
contact with client), other admin notes about account.

6. When installation is *signed off on* by client or admin, all login
and account details for the client's site are dropped from database.

Lots of things to go into details on here, but this is just a quick
conceptualization of how we could go about working it.


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