[wp-forums] We need to be friendly.

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Fri Apr 14 00:14:58 GMT 2006

Craig wrote:

>Very interesting points, Roy. I have always appreciated your contributions
>to WP in general, as I have with many others. I agree 100% that some basic
>courtesy is more than needed, and I for one have always enjoyed it when
>somebody takes a brief moment to offer a thank you for some assistance I
>Many times an OP will not even return to their thread; whether that means
>they have given up or have found the solution, who is to know? But expecting
>help and not reciprocating in kind is just plain rude. I don't know how we
>could effectively compel people to do this, given the limitations of bbPress
>and the nature of support in general.
><snipped a bit>
>Nuclear Moose.
Yes, Roy is right and so are you.
I don't fully agree though, that a WordPress'er who don't return to 
their thread necessary is rude.
Many people are just not used to forums ( fora ?), and don't realize the 
importance of coming back, either to finish their thread or to thank you.

There is a difference between this forum and many others we enjoy. In a 
purely technical forum, most visitors are habitue's knowing the dress codes.
In the WordPress support forum, there are visitors, who would never even 
find it, if they weren't clearly directed there from the WP dashboard.

However, we as helpers should know enough, and the returning visitor 
will learn the code from the leaders of the pack ;)


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