[wp-forums] Pimping WP's Competition?

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Apr 10 05:19:37 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:

>from the logahead site:
>Logahead is free for general consumption under the GPL
>Please note, logahead isn't meant to be 'the next big thing' or a
>Wordpress<http://www.wordpress.org/>replacement. I'm just a 17 year
>old student who wanted to learn a little
>>about web coding and have a bit of fun. Enjoy!
>So while not really support forum related, it might be considered feedback,
>as the OP is mentioning features that they'd like to see in WP.  Seems
>harmless to me.
>On 4/9/06, TechGnome <tg at tannagh.com> wrote:
>>Is it just me, or this person pimping a competitive product?
>>(S)He even goes so far as to suggest the de-pimping ( :-P  ) some of
>>it's features and using them in WP.
>>User is 4months old, but hasn't posted in 3 until this one.
>>Prosecution rests.
Yes, I'd say let him stay. Sounds like healthy competition and even on 
his site supportive of WordPress.
Looks nice, but maybe not as stable as WP. If it takes on, he'll 
probably need a support forum too.

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