[wp-forums] Theme help

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Tue Apr 4 16:15:45 GMT 2006

Petit wrote:

> TechGnome wrote:
>> I was looking at that earlier and it didn't hit me until now as to 
>> what the problem might be.
>> I think it's the POST that needs the clear. The problem isn't the 
>> image clearing the post.... it seems to be doing that just fine. But 
>> it's the post that isn't clearing the image.... so.... I haven't 
>> taken a closer look at his source so I can't say for sure....but I'm 
>> thinking that both the post and the image need clear applied..... 
>> I'll take a closer look as soon as I get the chance.
>> -tg
>> Podz wrote:
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/67569?replies=11
>>> Before I start pulling things apart, have I got my answer right?
>>> It's been a while since I've seen this error.
>>> P.
> I have fond and posted a probable solution.
> In the Stylesheet, the claering rule should be
>    storycontent.clearer {clear:both}
> instead of
>    div.clearer {clear:both}
> The latter will clear after any div preciding the clearer in the 
> document flow.
> /Petit

Well, I was fast but not precise. My solution did it for Firefox, byt 
not for MSIE.
Sorry :/

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