[wp-forums] Why don't you search?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Apr 4 10:33:14 GMT 2006

That's a response seen often.
There could well be a good reason that people end up posting AFTER they 
have searched - because all they see are short one-liners and a link.
Because they think the forum has more information that that they search, 
and find some more of the same.

There is a lot of value in taking time to write good rounded answers 
which become useful for everyone.
A good answer tells the OP what they need to know hopefully.
It also helps people coming back to the forums who want to help.
It also helps those who search.
A long answer + all the right tags + adding the answer to search is a 
good way to make search better. Simply saying "Search it does work now" 
is of little use when the answers aren't that clearly out there.
Much research shows that people rarely go to page 2 in a search engine 
result - we probably don't - so why expect others who are new to do much 
more? It's up to us to make things better, not the posters.

Maybe we should tag posts according to answers as well as the OP.


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