[wp-forums] This needs debating please

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 18:26:42 GMT 2005

I've wondered at what point does a CSS question cross the line from WP 
related to simply design related, but there doesn't seem to be a line. 
Equally what podz discussed. The only real solution, which I don't think is 
at the core of the WP community or the forums, would be to clearly draw the 
lines, and police accordingly. Deletions, locking, basically full time 
policing. And it seems it comes in waves. Right now, all Q's are on topic. 
Tommorrow, could be different. Just my 2¢.
On 9/12/05, Les Bessant <les at lcb.me.uk> wrote:
> It's always going to be the question of where to draw the line, isn't it?
> We're never going to stop people posting OT questions, and no matter how 
> OT,
> *someone* will respond[1] . It would make the forums a lot more manageable
> and usable if they could remain focussed, but human nature being what it 
> is,
> I suspect it's going to be a losing battle...
> [1] If only to tell the poster that they're off-topic ;-)
> ________________________________
> Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
> Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
> [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Podz
> Sent: 12 September 2005 14:04
> To: Forums
> Subject: [wp-forums] This needs debating please
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/44347#post-247675
> "For many many people this forum is something they find most helpful. If
> you ask something, it dosent have to 100% wordpress related"
> NOTE: I moved that post from the How-to forum.
> I massively disagree with that poster.
> P.
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Michael B aka miklb
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