[wp-forums] Forum Makover - pt II

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Nov 11 15:54:44 GMT 2005

TechGnome wrote:
> Something else that we should probably do more is promote the use of the
> bug tracker.

I'm for keeping it hidden. Couple of reasons:
- I think there is an art to writing a bug report that assists those in
the squashing business. I'm not so sure this art is widely practiced.
- When nightlies were easily findable for WP, we had people downloading
who really should not have, and their subsequent forum posts illustrated
that they should not have gone near. Since the move to svn being
slightly more hidden, and the nightlies address also being hidden, we
have less people making a noise on the forums. If trac were linked to,
this noise could be reproduced there - which makes bug hunting harder.

There is also of course the blurring between what is a bug and what is a
'feature' :)


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