[wp-forums] Forum Makover - pt II

Robert Deaton false.hopes at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 14:45:40 GMT 2005

I agree fully with the decision to keep the bug tracker relatively
hidden from every day users. When people truely find bugs, go ahead
and post the link, but 90% of the time this information doesn't need
to be easily accessable. Putting it out in the open would lead to
hundreds of irrelevant bugs.

On 11/11/05, Scott Merrill <skippy at skippy.net> wrote:
> TechGnome wrote:
> > Something else that we should probably do more is promote the use of the
> > bug tracker. Once something is determined as a possible bug (like in
> > this case: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/49151 ) then that person
> > should be invited to open a ticket in the bug tracker. However, we need
> > to make sure that the bug tracker is easily accessable. Like right now,
> > I'd love to put a link to it in the above posting, but I have no idea
> > what the URL is.... or how to find it. Why isn't there a link to it on
> > the Codex's main page? Putting it under the Troubleshooting section
> > makes the most sense to me.
> Because "regular people" too often file horrible bugs.  So horrible as
> to often be unusable.
> To open a new ticket:
>    http://trac.wordpress.org/newticket
> If you're opening a ticket as result of diagnostics in the forums,
> please link to the thread.
> --
> skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/
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--Robert Deaton

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