[wp-forums] After alpha ..

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Nov 10 22:20:49 GMT 2005

..comes Beta.

At some point, 1.6 will go Beta. At that point, many many people will
download it, install it and want to give feedback. This feedback will
happen regardless of how many times we point anything out to the
contrary. It cannot be avoided. That's point one.

Point two is that during beta, the devs need information. Telling people
to sign up for the testers list will not work. Those that know already
use it, those that do not, will not. Better maybe that all the beta
feedback, praise and problems can be in one place.

So I suggested to Matt in #meetup that when the Beta is created, that we
open a Beta forum. This will only exist up to the official next release.
It may even persist for a very short time after in case we need to
reflect on matters, but then it would go.
Such a forum means 1.6 does have a place. We can move discussions into
that area. I would favour posts from that forum being excluded from the
front page. And it means that Matt, Ryan and others have one place to
check for user feedback.

Thoughts ?


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