[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Thu Jul 21 00:26:51 GMT 2005

Here is a summary of what has been discussed about titles or labels 
within the WordPress Support Forum. Again, this is not a matter of 
handing out any control or responsibility on the Forum. They will not be 
able to change comments, moderate or do anything differently from what 
they have been doing. It is simply a title that recognizes the person as 
a volunteer for WordPress and on the Forum. Consider it a thank you, not 
an "expert level". The ONLY thing it says is "I've been around the old 
WordPress a few times and survived and now I'm giving of my time to say 
thank you back to WordPress."


* Volunteer
* Support Volunteer
* Jack-of-all-trades
* Dedicated Support Volunteer
* Knowledgable Person
* Subject Matter Expert
* Dedicated Volunteer
*Support Adviser
* adviser
* preceptor
* sage
* mentor
* aide
* assistant
* associate
* supporter
* person friday
* sidekick
* buddy
* peer

1. Have consistently over a period of time answered posts correctly in 
the forums.
2. To have a sound knowledge of the Codex
3. To have a sound knowledge of how WP works (Note - this is not code, 
just the overall thing - if that makes sense)
4. Is trusted by their peers
1 - People send their nominations to an address or the mailing list.
2 - The person nominated is reviewed by myself and skippy with input 
from members of this list/group
3 - The person is approached to see if they are willing to participate
4 - The change to 'whatever' status is made.
"Volunteer" is a good title because:
1) Honors the person as a giver to the forum on a regular basis.
2) Reminds users that WordPress wouldn't function without volunteers.
3) Applies to anyone who works on the docs, #wordpress chat, hackers or 
development. All are volunteers and deserve to be recognized as such.
4) Has no other significance like the other words. It just means "giver" 
and "contributor", synonyms I like.
5) As WordPress as a volunteer organization grows, higher honors will be 
given, I hope, to recognize volunteers for their contributions, so let's 
make "volunteer" MEAN something. The rest are "members" of the WordPress 
Forum, but they are still the "users" and we are the "volunteers" who 
keep the show going.
Instead of a "topic resolved" flag on threads, perhaps a ratings system 
for replies would work. Individual replies could be flagged (once by 
each member) through a few enums, say 'did not help', 'helped somewhat', 
'helped' and 'helped 100%!'. Perhaps drop 'unrelated' into the mix, and 
stick on a default 'no rating'. From there "votes" are tallied and 
displayed next to the reply. It'd require an admin override to protect 
from goofs, personal vendettas and the like, but would allow *everyone* 
to decide what (and indirectly, who) should be recognized.


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