[wp-forums] WordPress Backup Week - Forum Support

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Tue Jul 12 20:46:48 GMT 2005

Lorelle VanFossen wrote:
> So I'm just starting out the topic. Here are the questions I think need
> to be asked and answered.
> * Is there a fast and easy way to universally backup an entire WordPress
> site and database? One click?
> * Where do I backup to?
> * How often should I backup?
> * I only post occassionally to my blog, so how important is this to me?
> * My host server says they backup my site all the time, why do I need to?
> * How do I get a backup of my site from my host server? Can I?
> So what else are people going to ask and how can we prepare YOU for
> Backup Week? It's going to be fun and we want to help make it fun by
> helping us all learn about how it works, and to help others not be in a
> place to share their sob stories.

I'll be posting this later tonight:

I want to get the plugin into people's hands before Backup Week, so that
bug reports don't ruin the event.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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