[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Tue Jul 12 07:25:44 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:

> Kaf Oseo wrote:
>> I understand the impulse behind this effort and applaud it, but I 
>> needed to warn you all that you may not like what it leads to.
> I was thinking about this last night.
> I made a list of those people that may come up, and what my response 
> would be if asked. There were several people who I would say yes to 
> without a second thought. However there were some that I would say No 
> to and actively resist - yet on the surface they would fulfil any sort 
> of criteria that others would. I was aware too that in any such system 
> of nominations there would be the clamour from those (and their fans, 
> and the troublemakers) not given a title.
> So yes, it /does/ become more difficult when looked at more practically.
> The very last thing I want to do is introduce a change that will take 
> the focus of the forums away from it's main purpose, and I can do 
> without it turning into a political arena too.
Maybe we need to step back for a second and identify what the *problem* 
is that we are trying to solve by introducing this title.

Is there a *problem* at all?

If we are just trying to recognise people for there contributions then 
this is possibly the kind of thing, like a visible post count, which 
leads to the kind of problems Kaf if alluding to.

Afterall if it ain't broke don't fix it!


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