[wp-forums] Finding Codex Articles and Help

lorelle at cameraontheroad.com lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Sat Jul 2 16:00:24 GMT 2005

 >>>Thanks for the perspective, and perhaps I will focus more effort 
into the codex then and less on individual questions.<<<

I don't see how these are mutually exclusive.  Advice and answering the 
question posted helps. A link for more information adds to that helpfulness.

I feel the following MUST be reiterated:

 >>>Describe what the article will help with, and give specific help if 
you can, but if the article will "hold their hand"...let them have it. 
;-)  More importantly, with the focus on "Search First", six months or 
two years from now people will search and find these links to Codex 
articles as well as the help in the thread and be thrilled to have found 
the answer they need. We're building a huge resource here.<<<

The Codex is a resource and provides a very strong backbone to support 
the Forum. It is not meant to replace it. Issues that come up repeatedly 
on the forum may deserve an article on the Codex. Many articles on the 
Codex link to discussions and solutions on the Forum. When an article 
substantiates a question on the Forum, link to it.  They are very 

If you really want to help the Codex AND the Forum, help us to spot 
topics that need to be in the Codex and then write them.


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